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Pre-Fire Detection Using Thermal CCTV Cameras on Mobile CCTV Surveillance Towers

Posted on 06/08/24

The Risk – Warehouse and Storage Facility Fires

The cost and trauma of a fire in a warehouse extend far beyond the loss of the building and goods. The consequential loss caused by downtime, operational interruption, damage to business reputation, and the erosion of goodwill can be significant for a modern-day operation. Current goods also tend to have increased flammability, compounded by the presence of large amounts of packing materials such as plastics, cardboard, wooden crates, and pallets. Various potential ignition sources in warehouses and storage areas, including smoking, lighting, electrical equipment, and heaters, further heighten the risk of fires.

Although sprinklers are typically installed in warehouses, the absence of an appropriate early warning fire or hot spot detection system can compromise the safety of not only the facility itself but also adjacent buildings.

The Solution – Thermal Hot Spot Detection Technology

Fortunately, protecting life and inventory is now easier for even the largest warehouses and storage areas as thermal hot spot detection technology becomes more widely adopted. This technology actively monitors thermal signatures throughout a facility and can issue both pre-alarms and main alarms when predetermined temperature thresholds are reached. The core technology, which has been used for decades in rescue applications, is now very affordable and provides an excellent method for detecting potential fire issues before they escalate.

Dual Optical and Thermal Pictures showing hotspot and temperature (HD). Demonstration video available, please call us for info.

The Benefits of Thermal Hot Spot Detection

Compared to traditional spot smoke detectors and other technologies, thermal hot spot detection dramatically improves warehouse safety by identifying hot spots at the earliest possible stage with extensive coverage. This approach also reduces false alarms and maintenance. For instance, a hot spot of 90°C, while dangerous to health, may not trigger a traditional fire alarm system, but it certainly warrants investigation. Considering paper combusts at 233°C, reaching this temperature would indicate a severe fire, a situation that thermal detection aims to prevent.

LTS UK, Leading the Way in Fire Detection installed on their CCTV Tower Platforms

The LTS UK Hot Spot Detection system is a key asset in identifying hot spot hazards before they become real issues that can potentially cause devastating fires, risking lives, stock, and profitability. By leveraging advanced thermal CCTV cameras, we provide a proactive solution to fire detection, ensuring that warehouses and storage facilities remain safe, secure, and operational.

How CCTV Detects Hot Spots –

The use of Dual Optical and Thermal Cameras gives a visual reference in both visible and a Thermal spectrum. The scene is set up and calibrated according to ambient conditions. The thresholds for both Pre-alarm, and full alarm are then set, and can be programmed from the camera or NVR alarm outputs to either trigger alarms via contact closure, or alert an Alarm Receiving Centre, or email to a phone of a likely problem, together with streaming live images so an assessment can be made accordingly. Any procedures or checks on site can then be made to decide what action is needed.

LTS UK Mobile CCTV Surveillance Towers

The use of Dual Optical and Thermal Cameras gives a visual reference in both visible and a Thermal spectrum. These cameras mounted in various configurations may cover huge expanses of space depending on the overall elevation of the tower. Multiple power source options are available including Mains power (if available), or renewables in the form of solar with or without the use for a fuel cell. This means whatever the application LTS UK can provide the end user with a bespoke solution unique to their site or applications.

Call or Email us for a free no obligation Quotation today – Tel – +441684 770340

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